J.C.THOMPSON BUILDING -- at 6th and Market Streets, this building opened September 1, 1892. The Crosser and Ogilive Company occupied the basement, first floor and part of the second floor until 1905. Edmonston the photographer was also on the second floor. The sign above the second floor says "Photographer".
This building along with a few others, i.e. Central Building, the former PNB Building (aka Smith Auto Parts), the Little Building tends to symbolize, at least pictorially, East Liverpool. It is one of those buildings that anyone who has ever lived in East Liverpool, no matter how briefly, would recognize. Yet, probably very few people have ever seen inside the building beyond perhaps the ground floor space that has been used as a commercial area over the years. This is about to change.
BTW, the owner asked us to tell everyone this building is for sale.
Probably 1970s maybe early 1980s.
Current picture.
Current but different from the usual view. Taken from the Little Building by Jeff Langdon.
Current views from the Little Building. This picture dispels the rumor that the round top that used to be present is laying on the roof. It isn't.
A nice view that shows the craftsmanship of the workers that built this building.
Another view of the fine work done when the building was built.
All right, the big moment. Here we go up the steps from Market Street to the second floor of the Thompson Building.
Top of the stairs second floor hallway.
If you turn sharply to the left at the top of the stairs this is your immediate view.
Let's assume you walked down the hall in the direction of Market Street, past the electrical panels and meter bases and turned around to look behind you, this would be your view.
Looking ahead this is your view of the front room. This picture was taken by the Kim Mitchell group in May 2009. The room doesn't look this neat when we were in the Thompson Building in July 2011.
Pass through the door from the hallway behind you and you find yourself in
the front room directly above Market Street
and E. 6th Street.
If you turn to the right inside the living room door you will be able to walk towards the back of the building through several rooms full of, ahem, stuff. :O)
After several rooms you come to another doorway, hall and fuse boxes.